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Jade was a curatorial and communications consultant for the inaugural Espace Louis Vuitton München from 2011 to 2019. During her tenure, ELVM fostered collaborations with local art organisations (e.g. Kino der Kust, Lenbachhhaus), established a permanent gallery space in the historic Residenzpost building (2014) and became a founding partner for the Fondation Louis Vouitton’s Hors-les-murs (‘Beyond the Walls’) Programme, which promotes the Fondation Louis Vuitton’s art collection worldwide.
Working as part of a small team, Jade contributed to the successful delivery of the following projects and accompanying publications.
Solo exhibitions
Sophie Calle
L’Hotel / Voir La Mer: Works from the Collection
19 September 2018 – 24 February 2019

Christian Boltanski
Animitas: Selected Works
09 November 2017 – 31 March 2018

Ian Cheng
Emissary Forks, featuring Thousand Islands
21 April – 09 September 2017

Chantal Akerman & Annette Messager
Les Approches
04 March – 24 September 2016

Tacita Dean
Hors les Mur (Beyond the Walls)
14 November 2016 – 26 March 2017

Sheila Hicks
Predestined Colour Waves
08 October 2015 – 23 January 2016

Cory Arcangel
Be the First of Your Friends
24 April – 08 August 2015

Simryn Gill
In Situ 1: Domino Theory
16 November –18 January 2015

Group shows
Le Fils Rouge (The Red Thread)
29 January – 11 April 2015
Participating artists: Ghada Amer, Tracey Emin, Isa Melsheimer, Hans Op de Beeck, Michael Raedecker, Fred Sandback, Chiharu Shiota, Tatiana Trouvé
Guest curator: Michiko Kono

No Such Thing as History: Four Collections and One Artist
28 March – 08 August 2014
Participating artists: Kai Althoff, Nairy Baghramian, Martin Boyce, Clegg & Guttmann, Mark Dion, Lukas Duwenhögger, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Claire Fontaine, Tue Greenfort, Jonathan Horowitz, Jutta Koether, Michael Kunze, Louise Lawler, Kris Martin, Michaela Meise, Jonathan Monk, Henrik Olesen, Richard Prince, Martha Rosler, Bojan Šarčević, Tino Sehgal, Josef Strau, John Waters and Annette Kelm
Guest curator: Jens Hoffmann