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Yard Gallery
During Jade’s tenure at The Architecture Foundation from 2005 to 2007, a temporary experimental space called the Yard Gallery (49 Old Street, Clerkenwell) formed a significant part of the programming. In addition to The AF’s vast public programme, which took place with major project partners off-site, at the Yard Jade was responsible for realising industry-focussed events and worked closely with the education officer to create informative and engaging educational events. These included school-aged workshops, professional-development seminars and social events for the architecture and design community, which is largely based in the neighbouring areas of Shoreditch, Bethnal Green and Hackney. Jade also supported the exhibition programme with associated public events, including public openings and private receptions, and was part of a small team responsible for the overall management of the space.

WInter 2005
Under Construction was a hands-on educational programme for primary school students to learn about London’s built environment and the role that architects, planners and builders play in their changing city. The programme culminated in A Night of Destruction, a three-channel evening projection for adult audiences of representations of the city’s destruction in commercial cinema (organised with Newbetter).
Professional Development
Spring 2006
This Is Architecture was a four-part seminar series for industry professionals to look at ways people become informed about architecture. Over four consecutive evenings the themes of Communication, Exhibition, Education and Participation were explored with London’s leading experts. The event was attended by members of the local architecture community.
Graphic design by Hyperkit

06 March 2006
Communication: The Image of Architecture
How is Architecture Communicated through the Media?
This session looked at how different media can be used and the challenges architecture faces in presenting itself to the public. The different opportunities and challenges of print, TV and other media were addressed and debated in detail.
David Barrie, Executive Producer, Channel 4
Shumon Basar, Architect, curator and broadcaster
Jane Wentworth, Brand Consultant
Marcus Fairs, Editor, Icon Magazine; chairperson
07 March 2006
Exhibition: Architecture on Show
What are the challenges presented when exhibiting architecture? How is the curatorial discourse of architecture distinct from other creative media?
Exhibitions have the power to provoke: they may challenge existing discourse and debate subsequent theory and practice. Therefore, exhibitions of architecture must be appreciated as cultural and socio-political vehicles of challenge and change. Architecture at both conceptual and conceived levels concerns itself with space and shapes. Yet when it comes to interpreting the halls of a gallery or the walls of a museum, architecture exhibitions seldom excel. Participants discussed traditional and contemporary modes of exhibiting architecture and the critical role of the curator.
Sam Causer, Architect and Artist, Pankofbank
Andrea Phillips, Assistant Director of Curating Architecture, Goldsmiths College of Art
Elias Redstone, Curator, The Architecture Foundation
Nigel Coates, Architect and Head of Architecture, RCA; Trustee, The Architecture Foundation; chairperson
08 March 2006
Education: Underage Architecture
How can you teach children well about contemporary architecture?
Formal and informal education rarely address contemporary architecture. In contrast to the teaching of visual arts, contemporary architecture remains outside the British school curricula. Participants discussed reasons and possible solutions to this dilemma, and opportunities for formal and informal learning.
Nichole Crockett, Director, Building Exploratory
Catherine Smith, Head of Learning, Open House
Sally Tallant, Head of Education and Public Progammes, Serpentine Gallery
Frances Morrell, Director, Arts Inform; chairperson
09 March 2006
Participation: Let the People Design
Why should the public participate in architecture and how can it be done successfully?
Public participation in architecture is a two-way conversation between the profession and the public with the common aim of benefiting both parties. The challenge is to facilitate a conversation of genuine participation beyond mere tokenism, and to encourage considered and critically acclaimed results. Participants discussed the value of public participation and what results this approach can bring to regeneration projects.
Sarah Carrington, Director, B&B Curatorial Team
Alex de Rijke, Principal, DRMM Architecture Studio
Sophia de Sousa, Chief Executive, The Glass House
Liza Fior, Principal, MUF Architecture; chairperson
Social Events
Winter 2007
The Clerkenwell Cup was one of many social events organised for the architecture community to connect outside academic and professional-development opportunities and to encourage new social and professional relationships.
Other Events
Exhibition openings, screenings, talks and special events were presented regularly at the Yard Gallery to support The Architecture Foundation’s broader curatorial programme. Among many, the Yard Gallery’s launch party in summer 2005 was a memorable event. Hairywood was a 6.3 metre tall urban summer house designed by 6A Architects and Eley Kishimoto (14 July to 15 October 2005, curated by Elias Redstone). It presented unique indoor and outdoor spaces overlooking East London’s busy Old Street for members of the public to meet and enjoy over an unusually warm urban summer in London.