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The Otolith Group, Otolith I, 2010 still © The Artist
Otolith I (2003), II (2007) and III (2009)
Screening of The Otolith Group’s namesake film trilogy
Tuesday 14 February 2012
Venue: Blood Mountain Foundation, Budapest 1025, Vérhalom utca 27/c, Hungary
Introduction and Q&A with The Otolith Group founders, Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun
Set between the 22nd century (I); today’s Mumbai and Chandigarh: India’s first planned city designed by Le Corbusier in the 1950s (II); and the fictional future of an unrealised Indian science fiction movie from 1967 (III), the trilogy projects a mutant future fusing fiction and non-fiction through the juxtaposition of documentary footage, archival materials and new imagery (colour, in English, total 118 mins).
The event was free, with breaks and refreshments provided.